vfx alliance
output Media
360° content can be viewed on various output devices.
VR Headset
Social Media
Street View
I’m quite sure Robinson will be on the cutting edge of dome
productions — whether done for commercial purposes or for purely
artistic ones. It was and remains a delight to work with Robinson and
see his development and evolution, both from the technical side as well
as from the artistic side.
David Ben Kay
Owner / Curator at Yuanfen New Media Art Space
About us
The VFX Alliance is an innovative creative agency using emerging technology to create intelligent and beautiful digital experiences for virtual reality and the fulldome movie format.
Originally founded in Hong Kong SAR working as a consultancy and media production company specialized on the Greater Chinese market, the VFX Alliance is now concentrating again on it’s core values delivering 360° 3D immersive experiences to local as well as global customers.